Whenever you travel, for business or leisure, the hotel you stay in should feel like a refuge: a place where you feel secure and at ease. While different hotels try to ensure their guests are safe, each traveller must take caution before check-in. Here are some tips that can help make any hotel stay safe and less worrisome.

1. Research Before You Book

Examine the hotel’s location and reviews before booking. Select hotels that are situated in secure districts or places with convenient access to transit. Examine reviews left by previous visitors to get a sense of the hotel’s general level of security.

2. Select a Room Wisely

Make sure your chosen room type is secure when you arrive. Higher floor rooms are often more secure from break-ins, while rooms close to emergency exits provide for easy access in the event of an evacuation. Verify the functionality of all locks, including chain and deadbolt locks.

3. Protect Priceless Items

Ensure that your jewellery, passports, and cash are stored in the room’s safe. Do not leave them in your room unaccompanied or visible from the outside. Request for a locker from the reception staff in case your room lacks one.

4. Pay Attention to Door Security

When in your room, always utilize all of the locks that are accessible. Such as chain and deadbolt locks. To further safeguard a door from the inside, use a doorstop or door wedge. Refrain from answering your front door to outsiders or uninvited guests unless you have confirmed their identification.

5. Stay Aware in Public Areas

Always be mindful of the risks of theft or fraud whenever you are in busy public spaces like lobbies, restaurants, and elevators. Within crowded or active facilities ensure that your possessions are secure throughout. Use concealed handbags or pockets for carrying necessities like wallets and phones.

6. Get Acquainted with Emergency Exits

Whenever you arrive, make note of the stairways and exits that are closest to your room. The elevators might be clogged or temporarily out of service during emergencies – so resort to using stairs instead when evacuating. Be familiar with the evacuation routines of the hotel.

7. Use Hotel Wi-Fi Cautiously

Do not use open Wi-Fi networks to access private information or conduct financial activities. Using a virtual private network (VPN) to access the internet from a hotel room or public space, will increase security.

8. Confirm Employee Identity

When a person, ostensibly a hotel staff member, wants to get in the room for repair or any other purpose, always confirm from the reception whether they are an employee of the facility or not. Do not disclose your private information and the number of your hotel room to other people.

9. Report Any Questionable Behavior

As soon as you become aware of any questionable behaviour on the property, report it to security or hotel management. To ensure the security of both you and other guests, trust your gut and take precautions.

10. Being Ready for Emergencies

Keep contact details for the hotel and local authorities, as well as emergency numbers, close to hand. In case of a battery failure, save a paper copy of these numbers and program them into your phone. Learn about the emergency services and protocols in your area.


Following this safety advice will significantly improve your privacy and peace of mind when staying at the hotel. Hotels strive to keep guests secure, you can also contribute towards it by remaining vigilant and taking measures to guarantee your safety. Whether you’re travelling alone or with family, put safety first to make the most of your hotel stay and add peace of mind to your journey

Thanks to Best Western Plus Mohali’s dedication to guest safety, you can forget about all of these inconveniences. Their top priority is ensuring that no harm befalls their guests while providing them with the best-trained staff in the region. Just the thought of your safety being our concern relieves you and lets you have peace in all instances.